chateando face to face

Chateando face to face:

what’s this?!

Conversation and exchange activities in English and Spanish.

who is it for?!

For anybody who can speak both languages and wants to practise and/or improve at least one of them (minimum level: A2).

when does it take place?!

Every week! Have a look at the red activities at our schedule (language exchanges).

where is it?!

Around Segovia and in escuela habla (Avda. Padre Claret, 12, just 1 min. away from the Aqueduct).

how much does it cost?!

Normally, €6 per person and activity. 2 activities: €10 (You can invite another person to your same activity or you can come to two of them, in the same day or in different days throughout the month).

what’s different about it?!

In each session we do initial dynamic activities to motivate ourselves and get started. Then we talk in English and Spanish about a different topic each time, enriching each other with everyone’s opinions and ideas. At the end of it, we have some minutes of global feedback and sharing of the most important aspects of the session. Don’t worry about anything! At escuela habla we make each session fun and provide you with useful information and resources so that you can practice and learn as much as you want before, during and after the lesson, relaxingly and at your own pace!

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